15 surprisingly hackable IoT devices in your life [Infographic]

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The Crayon Blog

15 surprisingly hackable IoT devices in your life [Infographic]

Tech Articles | Published January 21, 2020  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Technology has made everything easier for us, to the point that our watches can now control our lights by simply shouting a command. Every device, right from our cars to our refrigerators has become connected through IoT devices (the Internet of Things network that connects all internet items), and as such, all our lives have been made easier.

But with that connection comes a price: all those items have now become vulnerable to hacking attempts. Things that we once thought were off the grid are now open for hackers to get into and jump across the connected devices, compromising your information and safety. Learning how your items can be accessed is incredibly important to help defend your systems, but that itself can be complicated. Luckily, BigRentz created an infographic to help you learn which of your everyday items can be compromised and how.

hackable things at work infographic

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The Crayon Blog

15 surprisingly hackable IoT devices in your life [Infographic]

Tech Articles | Published January 21, 2020  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Technology has made everything easier for us, to the point that our watches can now control our lights by simply shouting a command. Every device, right from our cars to our refrigerators has become connected through IoT devices (the Internet of Things network that connects all internet items), and as such, all our lives have been made easier.

But with that connection comes a price: all those items have now become vulnerable to hacking attempts. Things that we once thought were off the grid are now open for hackers to get into and jump across the connected devices, compromising your information and safety. Learning how your items can be accessed is incredibly important to help defend your systems, but that itself can be complicated. Luckily, BigRentz created an infographic to help you learn which of your everyday items can be compromised and how.

hackable things at work infographic

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The Crayon Blog

15 surprisingly hackable IoT devices in your life [Infographic]

Tech Articles | Published January 21, 2020  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Technology has made everything easier for us, to the point that our watches can now control our lights by simply shouting a command. Every device, right from our cars to our refrigerators has become connected through IoT devices (the Internet of Things network that connects all internet items), and as such, all our lives have been made easier.

But with that connection comes a price: all those items have now become vulnerable to hacking attempts. Things that we once thought were off the grid are now open for hackers to get into and jump across the connected devices, compromising your information and safety. Learning how your items can be accessed is incredibly important to help defend your systems, but that itself can be complicated. Luckily, BigRentz created an infographic to help you learn which of your everyday items can be compromised and how.

hackable things at work infographic

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The Crayon Blog

15 surprisingly hackable IoT devices in your life [Infographic]

Tech Articles | Published January 21, 2020  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Technology has made everything easier for us, to the point that our watches can now control our lights by simply shouting a command. Every device, right from our cars to our refrigerators has become connected through IoT devices (the Internet of Things network that connects all internet items), and as such, all our lives have been made easier.

But with that connection comes a price: all those items have now become vulnerable to hacking attempts. Things that we once thought were off the grid are now open for hackers to get into and jump across the connected devices, compromising your information and safety. Learning how your items can be accessed is incredibly important to help defend your systems, but that itself can be complicated. Luckily, BigRentz created an infographic to help you learn which of your everyday items can be compromised and how.

hackable things at work infographic

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