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Who is Crayon Data?
Crayon Data is a leading provider of AI-powered solutions that helps businesses unlock the value of data to drive revenue growth, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead in today's digital landscape.
What solutions does Crayon Data offer?
We offer a host of solutions, tailored to help businesses with customer engagement, data management, and even bespoke AI use cases.
How can I get started with Crayon Data?
Getting started is easy! Simply contact us at talktous@crayondata.com to schedule a demo or learn more about our solutions. Our team of AI experts is on hand to understand your specific requirements and tailor a solution to meet your unique needs.
Which industries does Crayon Data serve?
We serve a diverse range of industries, including banking, travel, payments, retail, and more. Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of each industry.
Who are Crayon Data’s solutions relevant for?
Whether you’re a large enterprise or an agile startup, and regardless of your level of data or AI maturity, our solutions are designed to propel you to success.
What sets Crayon Data apart from other providers?
Crayon Data is an award-winning startup as lauded by Gartner, IBM Watson, and more. We stand out for our innovative AI technology, industry expertise, and commitment to customer success. With over 12 years in the business, and a deep understanding of AI and Big Data, you can trust that you’re in safe hands, every step of the way.
What is maya.ai?
maya.ai is Crayon Data’s flagship platform. A completely modular and scalable platform, maya.ai comprises of building blocks that can be flexibly deployed as solutions to meet the unique needs of your business.
Is maya.ai's platform scalable?
Yes, our platform is designed to be highly scalable and adaptable to the needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our solutions can scale with your business.
How does maya.ai use data and AI?
maya.ai helps unlock the value of your data by blending a cocktail of unstructured and structured data, along with real-time, external, and metadata. Leveraging cutting-edge models, patented AI, and the latest advancements in GenAI, maya.ai is designed to streamline data management and extract valuable insights to help you make data-driven decisions.
How does maya.ai handle data privacy and security?
maya.ai does not rely on any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data to power recommendations. All enterprise data, including transaction and user data, is anonymized and encrypted according to the latest data security standards, and stored in private VPCs. All client data is purged once the engagement is complete. maya.ai complies with the relevant data privacy regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, etc to ensure data remains confidential and protected.
How much does maya.ai cost?
maya.ai solutions are available as premium or enterprise level plans. Our pricing plans are designed to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes, verticals, and levels of AI maturity. Whether you're looking for a basic functionality or advanced features, we have a plan that's right for you. Contact us at talktous@crayondata.com to find out more!
Is maya.ai available for a trial?
Getting started with maya.ai is simple! We offer pilots or PoCs (Proof-of-Concepts) that can be deployed in as little as 2-3 weeks, without any transaction data (Cold Start). For certain solutions, we also offer Sandboxes where you can try before buying in a low-touch environment. Contact us at talktous@crayondata.com to find out more!
Can maya.ai be deployed without transaction data (Cold Start)?
Yes! maya.ai can be deployed on Cold Start if you don’t want to share transaction data yet, or are looking for a faster deployment time. While the initial accuracy of recommendations will be lower, over time our ML algos will be able to ingest clickstream data to simulate the availability of transaction data and provide more accurate recommendations.
Can Crayon Data supply offers for my bank?
Yes, our Marketplace-a-a-Service is designed to source the best and most relevant offers for your bank's customers. Our dedicated team provides end-to-end support for everything from procurement to onboarding so you don’t have to deal with thousands of merchants and non-standardized processes.
What is a TasteMatch score™?
TasteMatch score™ is an affinity-based scoring system that ranks how relevant a recommendation is to you. A TasteMatch score™ for the same recommendation may be different for every user. This is because the TasteMatch score™ takes into account every user's spending behaviour and in-app interactions including likes, dislikes, wishlists and more.
How do I transfer data for a Warm Start engagement?
You can transfer your data through API, SFTP, or direct integration with the data lake. We will directly access the individual databases e.g Transaction DB, Demographic DB or a Central Access Database set up by you.
Is maya.ai’s AI Payments solution designed for new-to-market or existing players?
Our AI Payments solution is designed to cater to all fintech businesses, regardless of their level of maturity. Whether you’re looking to launch a new wallet or grow your fintech business, maya.ai has AI-ready use cases to help you drive customer adoption, launch new features seamlessly, and penetrate new markets with local integrations.
How do I become a Crayon Data partner?
Firstly, we’re thrilled that you’re interested in joining the Crayon Data family and we can’t wait to have you onboard! Reach out to us at talktous@crayondata.com for more details. We look forward to hearing from you!
What is the Innovation Hub?
The Innovation Hub is a playground where we invite visionary enterprises and individuals to break down key business problems, and turn their ideas into reality. With the support of our data, AI & industry experts at every step of the way, you can tinker to your heart’s content and build truly remarkable innovations.
What is the AI Centre of Excellence?
Over the years, we’ve spoken to many businesses of varying levels of AI maturity, and one key theme emerged. What we realized is that while AI adoption is definitely critical to staying ahead in today’s rapidly evolving world, not every business is ready to invest large amounts of time and money into building an AI-first taskforce. That’s why we decided to set up the AI Centre of Excellence, to offer large enterprises a more flexible model for tapping on Crayon Data’s AI talents on-demand so as to build key AI use case, with faster time-to-value.
Get Started Today
Have more questions? We’re here to help. Contact us to learn more, schedule a demo, or discuss custom solutions for your business.