On The Shoulders Of
Crayon Data shines the spotlight on the legends of Artificial Intelligence who have helped us see further
Legends of Artificial Intelligence
Arthur Samuel
A machine is not a Genie, it does not work by magic...
Herbert Simon
The proper study of mankind is the science of design
Stuart Russell
Greed is one of the seven deadly sins, but greedy algo...
Pushmeet Kohli
Unlocking the potential of AI: Solving more problems that...
Judea Pearl
AI should strive to enhance and ennoble human thinking...
Yoshua Bengio
We want learning algorithms that are much better than us...
Claude Shannon
I’m seldom interested in applications. I’m more...
Sebastian Thrun
We’re not designing machines that are smarter than we are...
Fei-Fei Li
Vision is more than just a sense; it is a privileged...
Geoffrey Hinton
The essence of intelligence is not skilful use of static...
Raj Reddy
AI systems are not reliable neither are human beings...
Demis Hassabis
I would actually be very pessimistic about the world...
Richard Sutton
I view artificial intelligence as the attempt to understand...
Cynthia Breazeal
The next generation of robots will be out partners and...
Ray Kurzweil
As soon as it works, no one calls it AI anymore
John Mccarthy
As soon as it works, no once calls it AI anymore
CR Rao
The rockstar of statistics
Marvin Minsky
You don’t understand anything until you learn it more than...
Jurgen Schmidhuber
Kangaroos are interested in other kangaroos; Politicians...
Yann Lecun
Deep learning allows computational models that...
Andrew Ng
Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity.
Ian Goodfellow
The most interesting results come from combining techn...

John Von Neumann
It is only proper to realize that language is largely a historical...
Alan Turing
A machine that can learn from experience
Yoshua Bengio
We want learning algorithms that are much better than us...
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