With the constant innovation and increase in online shopping, so too come insidious cyber criminals with more fervor and creativity. They can send you and your employees shady messages or worm their way through the tiniest security discrepancies that can result in grave consequences. However, properly addressing online shopping security issues renders their attacks useless.
Think of your customers’ personal information as a powerful kingdom in which you (the business owner) hold the coveted position — the ruler. It’s your duty to protect your people (your customers) and your land (your business) because, without them, you’re nothing. The problem is that other kingdoms want to take control of your city (acquire sensitive data) for their own personal gain.
The best way to stop an attack is to keep it from ever happening in the first place. You should set up a guard wall (firewall) and man it with guards (additional security software). In the event infiltrators manage to get past your defenses, it’s crucial that you have a back up plan (security safeguards) and act quickly.
Many analogies can be drawn between online shopping privacy and a battle, though one is far less gruesome. When setting up your e-commerce site, make sure you take the time to properly implement a system to safely store customer data — the visual below, provided by Wikibuy, explains how.