Data tends to lie a lot. How do you circumvent this? Interview with Suresh Shankar
December 7, 2018
Top 10 cloud security training resources!
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The Crayon Blog

Learning Scala Spark basics using spark shell in local

Tech Articles | Published December 10, 2018  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Apache Spark™ is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It can be used for a variety of things like big data processing, machine learning, stream processing and etc.,


I had tested it in Mac OS and Ubuntu. May or may not work on Windows.


Java 8 installed and available as java in command line.

Set up


  • Download the Spark package from Apache Spark Website. Download links points to Spark 2.2.0 which i had used. You can choose the latest from the website.
  • Download movies dataset from GroupLens. Download links point to a small dataset. You can choose a larger one if you have infra.


Move both files to the same directory.

tar -xvzf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

Spark Shell

Move into the spark extracted directory.

cd spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7

It will take some seconds to boot up, be patient. Once it is up, you will be able to see,

Spark context Web UI available at
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = local-1543057723300).
Spark session available as 'spark'.
Welcome to
  ____              __
 / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 2.2.0

Using Scala version 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_161)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

You can see the scala> prompt. We will be entering commands in this prompt.

Define data loading function

def loadDF(filepath:String) : org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").load(filepath)

You will see following console output

loadDF: (filepath: String)org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

Load Data into Dataframe

Data frame is similar to a table in SQL world.

val moviesFile = "../ml-latest-small/movies.csv"
val ratingsFile = "../ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
val tagsFile = "../ml-latest-small/tags.csv"

val moviesDF = loadDF(moviesFile)

// You can load other files into dataframe as well.

Let’s start the journey

Now we have moviesDF which loaded the data from movies.csv which we had downloaded earlier.

Refer to this documentation for various functions available in the data frame.

Number of records

So simple, just call method .count As with Scala, single parentheses is optional for methods.


It will show the number of records as follows

res1: Long = 9742

Schema of the Dataframe


The output will show field names and data types.

|-- movieId: integer (nullable = true)
|-- title: string (nullable = true)
|-- genres: string (nullable = true)

Data frames can support complex data types such as map, array, and struct. So, it can be nested as well.

Show records from the data frame

By default, it shows top 20 records in the data frame.

|movieId|               title|              genres|
|      1|    Toy Story (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|      2|      Jumanji (1995)|Adventure|Childre...|
|      3|Grumpier Old Men ...|      Comedy|Romance|
|      4|Waiting to Exhale...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|      5|Father of the Bri...|              Comedy|
|      6|         Heat (1995)|Action|Crime|Thri...|
|      7|      Sabrina (1995)|      Comedy|Romance|
|      8| Tom and Huck (1995)|  Adventure|Children|
|      9| Sudden Death (1995)|              Action|
|     10|    GoldenEye (1995)|Action|Adventure|...|
|     11|American Presiden...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|     12|Dracula: Dead and...|       Comedy|Horror|
|     13|        Balto (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|     14|        Nixon (1995)|               Drama|
|     15|Cutthroat Island ...|Action|Adventure|...|
|     16|       Casino (1995)|         Crime|Drama|
|     17|Sense and Sensibi...|       Drama|Romance|
|     18|   Four Rooms (1995)|              Comedy|
|     19|Ace Ventura: When...|              Comedy|
|     20|  Money Train (1995)|Action|Comedy|Cri...|
only showing top 20 rows

Also, we can specify the number of records as well.

Creating new data frames

Operations such as select we do on data frame create another data frame.

val movieTitlesDF =$"title")

$”title” means column title. select also supports "title" as well. But, it cannot be mix of column and string.

Console output,

movieTitlesDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [title: string]

Now we have created a new data frame called movieTitlesDF from the moviesDF
|               title|
|    Toy Story (1995)|
|      Jumanji (1995)|
|Grumpier Old Men ...|
only showing top 3 rows

Creating new fields.

In machine learning applications, for feature engineering, we would be deriving new fields.

Creating new Dataframe with a length of a movie title.

val titleDF =$"title", length($"title").alias("length"))
|           title|length|
|Toy Story (1995)|    16|
|  Jumanji (1995)|    14|
only showing top 2 rows

Let us find the movie name with the longest name,


res2: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990),158]

So the movie name is Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990) which has 158 characters.

We have used sort and sorted the rows in data frame using length in desc order.

Let’s do pattern matching.

Find movies which have(year) in the name.

res3: Long = 9730

So, in total, we have 12 movies without a year in it.

Let’s work with Array

If you have seen the closely, genres is | separated multiple values.

First we will split the genres column by | and make it as array<string>

val genresDF =$"genres","\\|").alias("genres"))
genresDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [genres: array]
|              genres|
|[Adventure, Anima...|
|[Adventure, Child...|
only showing top 2 rows

As you can see, genres is an array now.

Find out top 3 genres in our records

Next, we will explore the array and find the count of each genre.$"genres").alias("genre")).groupBy($"genre").count().show(3)

|   genre|count|
|   Crime| 1199|
| Romance| 1596|
|Thriller| 1894|
only showing top 3 rows

Let’s find top 3 movies with most tags

val tagsDF = loadDF(tagsFile)
join(moviesDF, "movieId").select("title","count").show()
|               title|count|
| Pulp Fiction (1994)|  181|
|   Fight Club (1999)|   54|
|2001: A Space Ody...|   41|

That is not all

We have gone through some basic functions available in data frames.

  • count
  • printSchema
  • show
  • select
  • length
  • alias
  • desc
  • sort, desc
  • split
  • rlike
  • where
  • head
  • groupBy

Spark data frame supports number of operations and functions.

Enjoy learning Spark

Explore more and play with the data frame. You can use ratings.csv as well.


This post originally appeared here. Republished with permission.

Subscribe to the Crayon Blog. Get the latest posts in your inbox!

The Crayon Blog

Learning Scala Spark basics using spark shell in local

Tech Articles | Published December 10, 2018  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Apache Spark™ is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It can be used for a variety of things like big data processing, machine learning, stream processing and etc.,


I had tested it in Mac OS and Ubuntu. May or may not work on Windows.


Java 8 installed and available as java in command line.

Set up


  • Download the Spark package from Apache Spark Website. Download links points to Spark 2.2.0 which i had used. You can choose the latest from the website.
  • Download movies dataset from GroupLens. Download links point to a small dataset. You can choose a larger one if you have infra.


Move both files to the same directory.

tar -xvzf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

Spark Shell

Move into the spark extracted directory.

cd spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7

It will take some seconds to boot up, be patient. Once it is up, you will be able to see,

Spark context Web UI available at
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = local-1543057723300).
Spark session available as 'spark'.
Welcome to
  ____              __
 / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 2.2.0

Using Scala version 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_161)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

You can see the scala> prompt. We will be entering commands in this prompt.

Define data loading function

def loadDF(filepath:String) : org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").load(filepath)

You will see following console output

loadDF: (filepath: String)org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

Load Data into Dataframe

Data frame is similar to a table in SQL world.

val moviesFile = "../ml-latest-small/movies.csv"
val ratingsFile = "../ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
val tagsFile = "../ml-latest-small/tags.csv"

val moviesDF = loadDF(moviesFile)

// You can load other files into dataframe as well.

Let’s start the journey

Now we have moviesDF which loaded the data from movies.csv which we had downloaded earlier.

Refer to this documentation for various functions available in the data frame.

Number of records

So simple, just call method .count As with Scala, single parentheses is optional for methods.


It will show the number of records as follows

res1: Long = 9742

Schema of the Dataframe


The output will show field names and data types.

|-- movieId: integer (nullable = true)
|-- title: string (nullable = true)
|-- genres: string (nullable = true)

Data frames can support complex data types such as map, array, and struct. So, it can be nested as well.

Show records from the data frame

By default, it shows top 20 records in the data frame.

|movieId|               title|              genres|
|      1|    Toy Story (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|      2|      Jumanji (1995)|Adventure|Childre...|
|      3|Grumpier Old Men ...|      Comedy|Romance|
|      4|Waiting to Exhale...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|      5|Father of the Bri...|              Comedy|
|      6|         Heat (1995)|Action|Crime|Thri...|
|      7|      Sabrina (1995)|      Comedy|Romance|
|      8| Tom and Huck (1995)|  Adventure|Children|
|      9| Sudden Death (1995)|              Action|
|     10|    GoldenEye (1995)|Action|Adventure|...|
|     11|American Presiden...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|     12|Dracula: Dead and...|       Comedy|Horror|
|     13|        Balto (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|     14|        Nixon (1995)|               Drama|
|     15|Cutthroat Island ...|Action|Adventure|...|
|     16|       Casino (1995)|         Crime|Drama|
|     17|Sense and Sensibi...|       Drama|Romance|
|     18|   Four Rooms (1995)|              Comedy|
|     19|Ace Ventura: When...|              Comedy|
|     20|  Money Train (1995)|Action|Comedy|Cri...|
only showing top 20 rows

Also, we can specify the number of records as well.

Creating new data frames

Operations such as select we do on data frame create another data frame.

val movieTitlesDF =$"title")

$”title” means column title. select also supports "title" as well. But, it cannot be mix of column and string.

Console output,

movieTitlesDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [title: string]

Now we have created a new data frame called movieTitlesDF from the moviesDF
|               title|
|    Toy Story (1995)|
|      Jumanji (1995)|
|Grumpier Old Men ...|
only showing top 3 rows

Creating new fields.

In machine learning applications, for feature engineering, we would be deriving new fields.

Creating new Dataframe with a length of a movie title.

val titleDF =$"title", length($"title").alias("length"))
|           title|length|
|Toy Story (1995)|    16|
|  Jumanji (1995)|    14|
only showing top 2 rows

Let us find the movie name with the longest name,


res2: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990),158]

So the movie name is Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990) which has 158 characters.

We have used sort and sorted the rows in data frame using length in desc order.

Let’s do pattern matching.

Find movies which have(year) in the name.

res3: Long = 9730

So, in total, we have 12 movies without a year in it.

Let’s work with Array

If you have seen the closely, genres is | separated multiple values.

First we will split the genres column by | and make it as array<string>

val genresDF =$"genres","\\|").alias("genres"))
genresDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [genres: array]
|              genres|
|[Adventure, Anima...|
|[Adventure, Child...|
only showing top 2 rows

As you can see, genres is an array now.

Find out top 3 genres in our records

Next, we will explore the array and find the count of each genre.$"genres").alias("genre")).groupBy($"genre").count().show(3)

|   genre|count|
|   Crime| 1199|
| Romance| 1596|
|Thriller| 1894|
only showing top 3 rows

Let’s find top 3 movies with most tags

val tagsDF = loadDF(tagsFile)
join(moviesDF, "movieId").select("title","count").show()
|               title|count|
| Pulp Fiction (1994)|  181|
|   Fight Club (1999)|   54|
|2001: A Space Ody...|   41|

That is not all

We have gone through some basic functions available in data frames.

  • count
  • printSchema
  • show
  • select
  • length
  • alias
  • desc
  • sort, desc
  • split
  • rlike
  • where
  • head
  • groupBy

Spark data frame supports number of operations and functions.

Enjoy learning Spark

Explore more and play with the data frame. You can use ratings.csv as well.


This post originally appeared here. Republished with permission.

Subscribe to the Crayon Blog. Get the latest posts in your inbox!

The Crayon Blog

Learning Scala Spark basics using spark shell in local

Tech Articles | Published December 10, 2018  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Apache Spark™ is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It can be used for a variety of things like big data processing, machine learning, stream processing and etc.,


I had tested it in Mac OS and Ubuntu. May or may not work on Windows.


Java 8 installed and available as java in command line.

Set up


  • Download the Spark package from Apache Spark Website. Download links points to Spark 2.2.0 which i had used. You can choose the latest from the website.
  • Download movies dataset from GroupLens. Download links point to a small dataset. You can choose a larger one if you have infra.


Move both files to the same directory.

tar -xvzf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

Spark Shell

Move into the spark extracted directory.

cd spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7

It will take some seconds to boot up, be patient. Once it is up, you will be able to see,

Spark context Web UI available at
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = local-1543057723300).
Spark session available as 'spark'.
Welcome to
  ____              __
 / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 2.2.0

Using Scala version 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_161)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

You can see the scala> prompt. We will be entering commands in this prompt.

Define data loading function

def loadDF(filepath:String) : org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").load(filepath)

You will see following console output

loadDF: (filepath: String)org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

Load Data into Dataframe

Data frame is similar to a table in SQL world.

val moviesFile = "../ml-latest-small/movies.csv"
val ratingsFile = "../ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
val tagsFile = "../ml-latest-small/tags.csv"

val moviesDF = loadDF(moviesFile)

// You can load other files into dataframe as well.

Let’s start the journey

Now we have moviesDF which loaded the data from movies.csv which we had downloaded earlier.

Refer to this documentation for various functions available in the data frame.

Number of records

So simple, just call method .count As with Scala, single parentheses is optional for methods.


It will show the number of records as follows

res1: Long = 9742

Schema of the Dataframe


The output will show field names and data types.

|-- movieId: integer (nullable = true)
|-- title: string (nullable = true)
|-- genres: string (nullable = true)

Data frames can support complex data types such as map, array, and struct. So, it can be nested as well.

Show records from the data frame

By default, it shows top 20 records in the data frame.

|movieId|               title|              genres|
|      1|    Toy Story (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|      2|      Jumanji (1995)|Adventure|Childre...|
|      3|Grumpier Old Men ...|      Comedy|Romance|
|      4|Waiting to Exhale...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|      5|Father of the Bri...|              Comedy|
|      6|         Heat (1995)|Action|Crime|Thri...|
|      7|      Sabrina (1995)|      Comedy|Romance|
|      8| Tom and Huck (1995)|  Adventure|Children|
|      9| Sudden Death (1995)|              Action|
|     10|    GoldenEye (1995)|Action|Adventure|...|
|     11|American Presiden...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|     12|Dracula: Dead and...|       Comedy|Horror|
|     13|        Balto (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|     14|        Nixon (1995)|               Drama|
|     15|Cutthroat Island ...|Action|Adventure|...|
|     16|       Casino (1995)|         Crime|Drama|
|     17|Sense and Sensibi...|       Drama|Romance|
|     18|   Four Rooms (1995)|              Comedy|
|     19|Ace Ventura: When...|              Comedy|
|     20|  Money Train (1995)|Action|Comedy|Cri...|
only showing top 20 rows

Also, we can specify the number of records as well.

Creating new data frames

Operations such as select we do on data frame create another data frame.

val movieTitlesDF =$"title")

$”title” means column title. select also supports "title" as well. But, it cannot be mix of column and string.

Console output,

movieTitlesDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [title: string]

Now we have created a new data frame called movieTitlesDF from the moviesDF
|               title|
|    Toy Story (1995)|
|      Jumanji (1995)|
|Grumpier Old Men ...|
only showing top 3 rows

Creating new fields.

In machine learning applications, for feature engineering, we would be deriving new fields.

Creating new Dataframe with a length of a movie title.

val titleDF =$"title", length($"title").alias("length"))
|           title|length|
|Toy Story (1995)|    16|
|  Jumanji (1995)|    14|
only showing top 2 rows

Let us find the movie name with the longest name,


res2: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990),158]

So the movie name is Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990) which has 158 characters.

We have used sort and sorted the rows in data frame using length in desc order.

Let’s do pattern matching.

Find movies which have(year) in the name.

res3: Long = 9730

So, in total, we have 12 movies without a year in it.

Let’s work with Array

If you have seen the closely, genres is | separated multiple values.

First we will split the genres column by | and make it as array<string>

val genresDF =$"genres","\\|").alias("genres"))
genresDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [genres: array]
|              genres|
|[Adventure, Anima...|
|[Adventure, Child...|
only showing top 2 rows

As you can see, genres is an array now.

Find out top 3 genres in our records

Next, we will explore the array and find the count of each genre.$"genres").alias("genre")).groupBy($"genre").count().show(3)

|   genre|count|
|   Crime| 1199|
| Romance| 1596|
|Thriller| 1894|
only showing top 3 rows

Let’s find top 3 movies with most tags

val tagsDF = loadDF(tagsFile)
join(moviesDF, "movieId").select("title","count").show()
|               title|count|
| Pulp Fiction (1994)|  181|
|   Fight Club (1999)|   54|
|2001: A Space Ody...|   41|

That is not all

We have gone through some basic functions available in data frames.

  • count
  • printSchema
  • show
  • select
  • length
  • alias
  • desc
  • sort, desc
  • split
  • rlike
  • where
  • head
  • groupBy

Spark data frame supports number of operations and functions.

Enjoy learning Spark

Explore more and play with the data frame. You can use ratings.csv as well.


This post originally appeared here. Republished with permission.

Subscribe to the Crayon Blog. Get the latest posts in your inbox!

The Crayon Blog

Learning Scala Spark basics using spark shell in local

Tech Articles | Published December 10, 2018  |   Tejeswini Kashyappan

Apache Spark™ is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It can be used for a variety of things like big data processing, machine learning, stream processing and etc.,


I had tested it in Mac OS and Ubuntu. May or may not work on Windows.


Java 8 installed and available as java in command line.

Set up


  • Download the Spark package from Apache Spark Website. Download links points to Spark 2.2.0 which i had used. You can choose the latest from the website.
  • Download movies dataset from GroupLens. Download links point to a small dataset. You can choose a larger one if you have infra.


Move both files to the same directory.

tar -xvzf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

Spark Shell

Move into the spark extracted directory.

cd spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7

It will take some seconds to boot up, be patient. Once it is up, you will be able to see,

Spark context Web UI available at
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = local-1543057723300).
Spark session available as 'spark'.
Welcome to
  ____              __
 / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 2.2.0

Using Scala version 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_161)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

You can see the scala> prompt. We will be entering commands in this prompt.

Define data loading function

def loadDF(filepath:String) : org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").load(filepath)

You will see following console output

loadDF: (filepath: String)org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

Load Data into Dataframe

Data frame is similar to a table in SQL world.

val moviesFile = "../ml-latest-small/movies.csv"
val ratingsFile = "../ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
val tagsFile = "../ml-latest-small/tags.csv"

val moviesDF = loadDF(moviesFile)

// You can load other files into dataframe as well.

Let’s start the journey

Now we have moviesDF which loaded the data from movies.csv which we had downloaded earlier.

Refer to this documentation for various functions available in the data frame.

Number of records

So simple, just call method .count As with Scala, single parentheses is optional for methods.


It will show the number of records as follows

res1: Long = 9742

Schema of the Dataframe


The output will show field names and data types.

|-- movieId: integer (nullable = true)
|-- title: string (nullable = true)
|-- genres: string (nullable = true)

Data frames can support complex data types such as map, array, and struct. So, it can be nested as well.

Show records from the data frame

By default, it shows top 20 records in the data frame.

|movieId|               title|              genres|
|      1|    Toy Story (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|      2|      Jumanji (1995)|Adventure|Childre...|
|      3|Grumpier Old Men ...|      Comedy|Romance|
|      4|Waiting to Exhale...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|      5|Father of the Bri...|              Comedy|
|      6|         Heat (1995)|Action|Crime|Thri...|
|      7|      Sabrina (1995)|      Comedy|Romance|
|      8| Tom and Huck (1995)|  Adventure|Children|
|      9| Sudden Death (1995)|              Action|
|     10|    GoldenEye (1995)|Action|Adventure|...|
|     11|American Presiden...|Comedy|Drama|Romance|
|     12|Dracula: Dead and...|       Comedy|Horror|
|     13|        Balto (1995)|Adventure|Animati...|
|     14|        Nixon (1995)|               Drama|
|     15|Cutthroat Island ...|Action|Adventure|...|
|     16|       Casino (1995)|         Crime|Drama|
|     17|Sense and Sensibi...|       Drama|Romance|
|     18|   Four Rooms (1995)|              Comedy|
|     19|Ace Ventura: When...|              Comedy|
|     20|  Money Train (1995)|Action|Comedy|Cri...|
only showing top 20 rows

Also, we can specify the number of records as well.

Creating new data frames

Operations such as select we do on data frame create another data frame.

val movieTitlesDF =$"title")

$”title” means column title. select also supports "title" as well. But, it cannot be mix of column and string.

Console output,

movieTitlesDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [title: string]

Now we have created a new data frame called movieTitlesDF from the moviesDF
|               title|
|    Toy Story (1995)|
|      Jumanji (1995)|
|Grumpier Old Men ...|
only showing top 3 rows

Creating new fields.

In machine learning applications, for feature engineering, we would be deriving new fields.

Creating new Dataframe with a length of a movie title.

val titleDF =$"title", length($"title").alias("length"))
|           title|length|
|Toy Story (1995)|    16|
|  Jumanji (1995)|    14|
only showing top 2 rows

Let us find the movie name with the longest name,


res2: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990),158]

So the movie name is Dragon Ball Z the Movie: The World's Strongest (a.k.a. Dragon Ball Z: The Strongest Guy in The World) (Doragon bôru Z: Kono yo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu) (1990) which has 158 characters.

We have used sort and sorted the rows in data frame using length in desc order.

Let’s do pattern matching.

Find movies which have(year) in the name.

res3: Long = 9730

So, in total, we have 12 movies without a year in it.

Let’s work with Array

If you have seen the closely, genres is | separated multiple values.

First we will split the genres column by | and make it as array<string>

val genresDF =$"genres","\\|").alias("genres"))
genresDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [genres: array]
|              genres|
|[Adventure, Anima...|
|[Adventure, Child...|
only showing top 2 rows

As you can see, genres is an array now.

Find out top 3 genres in our records

Next, we will explore the array and find the count of each genre.$"genres").alias("genre")).groupBy($"genre").count().show(3)

|   genre|count|
|   Crime| 1199|
| Romance| 1596|
|Thriller| 1894|
only showing top 3 rows

Let’s find top 3 movies with most tags

val tagsDF = loadDF(tagsFile)
join(moviesDF, "movieId").select("title","count").show()
|               title|count|
| Pulp Fiction (1994)|  181|
|   Fight Club (1999)|   54|
|2001: A Space Ody...|   41|

That is not all

We have gone through some basic functions available in data frames.

  • count
  • printSchema
  • show
  • select
  • length
  • alias
  • desc
  • sort, desc
  • split
  • rlike
  • where
  • head
  • groupBy

Spark data frame supports number of operations and functions.

Enjoy learning Spark

Explore more and play with the data frame. You can use ratings.csv as well.


This post originally appeared here. Republished with permission.

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