Redefining Customer Engagement and Business Intelligence

Key Challenges in

Consumer Banking~
Multiple, disparate, legacy systems and data silos. No single view of data
Fragmented view of customer and untapped upsell / cross-sell opportunities
One-size-fits-all customer experiences and broken journeys
Limited analytics guiding merchant acquisition and campaign optimization
Merchant onboarding and management is manual and non-standardized
Unable to fully utilize unstructured, structured, and external data to understand the customer, accelerate decision-making, detect fraud etc’s modular magic for Consumer Banking

Unify disconnected data sources to build a 360 view of the customer
Improve product penetration and customer lifetime value with AI-enabled lead generation and targeted product recommendations
Accelerate decision-making with timely and relevant insights
Transform customer experiences with personalized, omni-channel engagement to drive satisfaction and loyalty
Unlock the value of banking data with out-of-the-box models for data management, customer lifecycle, fraud & risk management, and more

Success Stories

How Crayon Data Has Helped Enterprises Increase Customer Satisfaction and Marketplace Spends

Driving Portfolio Growth with Personalized Campaigns for India’s Largest Credit Card Issuer
Revolutionizing Commerce: AI-Powered Lifestyle Marketplace for a Leading Islamic Bank
Revitalizing Cardholder Engagement: Personalized Campaign Triumph for a Leading Global Issuer in the Middle East

Discover the Crayon Data Advantage

Have questions? We’re here to help. Contact us to learn more about our industry solutions, schedule a demo, or discuss custom solutions for your business.